1. 您必须是21岁和以上才能购买和预约解读。

2. 不接受的问题包括:

  • 第三方 (比如帮别人问,问别人的事情,问孩子的私人事情)。
  • 与死亡有关的问题 (比如什么时候死,什么时候可以离开这个世界)
  • 黑魔法 (比如你有被下降头吗,如何向别人施黑法术)
  • 法律 (比如遗产,官司,合约)
  • 紧急占卜或任何我觉得当下我不适合做的占卜。

3. 健康的问题可以提问但是个案必须懂得如何对自己的健康负責任。占卜和阿卡西解读是指引不能代替医药服务。

4. 本人不负责个案的所有在解读完成之后的决定。

5. 占卜和一些的阿卡西指引是随着当下的能量而提供的。答案可以改变。请您运用您的自由权做决定。

6. 如果在12个小时内还没有接收到付款,您的订单和预约位子会自动的被取消。

7. 如果在线上预约的预定时间的30分钟后个案没有赴约,时间和日期会自动被更改到我有空位的日期。

8. 如果您需要改日期或时间请在约定好的时间的两个小时之前通知我。

9. 服务时间是星期二到星期六早上10点到傍晚6点。最后一个预约是傍晚6点钟(吉隆坡时间)。


11. 沒有赴約沒有退款。

1. You must be 21 years old and above to purchase and receive a reading.

2. Topics that I do not accept include

Third party questions (for example asking for others, want to know what is another person doing, how is their life, asking the private lives of your children)

Death-related (for example when will I die, when is the time for me to go, can I shorten or lengthen my lifespan)

Black magic/hex related (for example, am I being hexed, how to do black magic on someone)

Legal related (for example will, court cases, contracts)

Emergency readings and any other questions or types of readings I am not comfortable with

3. I accept certain questions about health. Any questions or readings related to it is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for professional medical advices and procedures. 

4. I am not responsible for any decisions the clients make after a reading.

5. Answers from a divination reading (cartomancy or any other forms) and certain answers from the Akashic Records are only for guidance and references and should not be taken as an answer set in stone. Energies can change and affect the future. 

6. If payments are not received within 12 hours of bookings and ordering, your slot will automatically be cancelled.

7. For live online readings, if the client do not turn up AFTER 30 minutes of the appointed time, the session will automatically be moved to another day and slot where available. I will do my best to find a time that best accommodate the client but there is no guarantee.

8. If you need to reschedule, kindly contact me 2 hours before the reading begins.

9. Business hours are Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 10 am to 6 pm. The last appointment is at 6 pm Kuala Lumpur time (UTC+8)

10. If you have made an appointment and/or paid for the session but are unable to set the time or keep postponing without telling me when, I will not remind you and you will need to contact me yourself.  

11. No show no refund.